What are FSS certificates? When operating a food related business, food authority NSW requires one supervisor onsite to hold the FSS certificate. This generally takes one day to complete at one of the following schools.
The Authority approves Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to deliver FSS training for the purpose of issuing FSS certificates.
Sydney region
(Wide table: scroll/swipe sideways if not all columns are displayed.)
Company | Contacts | Mid North Coast |
New- castle/ Hunter |
North West NSW |
North- ern NSW |
South Coast/ High- lands |
South West NSW |
Sydney Region |
3-AAA Training & Consulting Pty Ltd | www.3aaa.com.au (02) 9890 8085 |
Acacia Education & Training | www.acaciaeducation.com 02 4739 9286 |
Access All Areas Training | www.accessallareastraining.com.au 1300 287 554 |
Access Group Training | www.agt.edu.au 1300 784 408 |
Alertforce Pty Ltd | alertforce.com.au 1800 900 222 |
Amstar Learning | www.amstar.com.au (02) 9240 9300 |
Applied Training Solutions | www.appliedtraining.com.au (02) 8787 5870 |
Arrow Training Services | www.arrowtrainingservices.com.au 07 5503 1061 |
Austrain Academy | www.austrainacademy.com.au 1300 204 020 |
Australian Academy of Management & Science Pty Ltd | www.aamsaustralia.com.au (02) 9837 4213 |
Australian College of Higher Studies | www.auschs.edu.au (02) 6238 1927 |
Australian Hotels Association NSW | www.ahansw.com.au (02) 8218 1824 |
Australian Institute of Food Safety RTO | www.foodsafety.com.au 1300 797 020 |
Australian Institute of Training | www.aiot.edu.au 02 9648 0077 |
Australian Salesmasters Training Co | www.thesalesmasters.com 02 9700 9333 |
Australian Training Solutions | www.oztrains.com 1300 541 773 |
Avana Learning Pty Ltd | www.vocation.com.au 1800 783 848 |
Aveling | www.aveling.com.au 08 9379 9999 |
Barrington Training Services Pty Ltd | www.barringtongroup.com.au 02 9899 0600 |
Benchmark OHS Consulting Pty Ltd | www.benchmarkohs.com.au (02) 9531 0474 |
Booth College | www.boothcollege.edu.au (02) 9502 0432 |
Brisbane Business & Hospitality Training | www.bbht.com.au (07) 3117 9722 |
Camden Haven Community College Incorporated | www.chace.org.au (02) 6559 6699 |
CFT NSW | www.centrefortraining.com.au (02) 9499 3737 |
CHP School of Hospitality | (02) 9559 0040 | |||||||
Clubs WA | www.clubswa.com.au 1300 640 616 |
Correct Training Systems Pty Ltd | www.correcttraining.com.au (02) 1300 769 937 |
Dr Ruby Training College Pty Ltd | www.drrubytraining.com.au 02 9283 7407 |
East West Training Solutions Pty Ltd | www.ewtstraining.com.au (02) 9299 5593 |
Eclipse Online Education | www.eclipseeducation.com.au 03 9005 5981 |
Essential Business Training | www.ebt.nsw.edu.au (02) 9713 7578 |
ETC Training Solutions | www.etcltd.com.au (02) 6648 5400 |
ETRAINU | www.etrainu.com 07 3114 2652 |
Evolution Hospitality Institute | evolution.edu.au 02 8275 5300 |
First Impressions Resources | www.fir.edu.au 07 3844 1300 |
Five Star Training Pty Ltd | (02) 1800 709 035 | |||||||
Food Safety Australia | www.foodsafety.edu.au (07) 3289 3582 |
Franklyn Scholar | www.franklynscholar.com.au (03) 8508 5888 |
Future Academy | www.futureacademy.edu.au 1300 827 188 |
Hospitality Training Australia | www.hosptrain.nsw.edu.au 02 9281 4111 |
International Institute for Professional Development | www.iipd.edu.au 02 9687 0411 |
JCE Positive Outcomes Pty Ltd | www.jcepositiveoutcomes.com.au (02) 6258 0033 |
Jobquest | www.jobquest.com.au (02) 4732 3923 |
Kenvale College | www.kenvale.edu.au (02) 9314 6213 |
Key Skills Training | www.keyskillstraining.com 1300 151 100 |
KFC | www.yum.com 02 9930 3000 |
Licences 4 Work | www.justtraining.com.au 1300 558 241 |
Management Institute of Australia No.2 Pty Ltd | www.mia.edu.au 1300 664 908 |
Master Grocers Australia Limited | www.mga.asn.au (03) 9824 4111 |
McDonald’s Australia Limited | For employees only | |||||||
MEGT Australia Ltd | www.megt.com.au (02) 8078 3341 |
National Retail Institute | www.nra.net.au (07) 3240 0100 |
National Training Organisation Pty Ltd | www.nto.com.au 1300 132 213 |
Novaskill | www.novaskill.com.au 02 6600 3000 |
OCTEC Limited | www.octec.org.au (02) 6362 7973 |
Performis | www.performis.com.au (02) 1300 302 024 |
Prime Skills Pty Ltd | www.primeskills.com.au 03 9888 7448 |
Quality Hospitality International Pty Ltd | www.qhint.com.au 07 3899 1123 |
Quality Training and Hospitality College | www.qualitytraining.com.au (08) 8223 3888 |
Reach For Training Pty Ltd | www.reachfortraining.com.au 02 4956 9455 |
Red Cross College | www.redcross.org.au 07 3367 7440 |
Restaurant & Catering Industry Association of Australia | www.restaurantcater.asn.au 1300 722 878 |
Selmar Institute of Education | www.selmar.edu.au (03) 9516 6600 |
Service Industry Training Network | www.foodsafetytraining.net.au (02) 9526 0400 |
Statewide Business Training Pty Ltd | www.statewidebt.edu.au (02) 4351 7550 |
Tactical Training Group Pty Ltd | www.tacticaltraininggroup.com.au (02) 9460 2511 |
TAFE NSW – Hunter Institute | www.hunter.tafensw.edu.au (02) 4923 7222 |
TAFE NSW – Illawarra Institute | www.illawarra.tafensw.edu.au 02 4295 2100 |
TAFE NSW – New England Institute | www.newengland.tafensw.edu.au 1800 448 176 |
TAFE NSW – North Coast Institute | www.northcoasttafe.edu.au 02 6659 3000 |
TAFE NSW – Northern Sydney Institute | www.nsi.tafensw.edu.au (02) 9942 0333 |
TAFE NSW – Riverina Institute | www.rit.tafensw.edu.au 1300 823 374 |
TAFE NSW – South Western Sydney Institute | www.swsi.tafensw.edu.au (02) 4620 1700 |
TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute | www.sit.nsw.edu.au 1300 360 601 |
TAFE NSW – Western Institute | www.wit.tafensw.edu.au 131 601 |
TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute | www.wsi.tafensw.edu.au (02) 9208 9999 |
TAFE Queensland Brisbane | www.tafebrisbane.edu.au (07) 3244 5000 |
Take A Note Training Solutions | www.takeanote.com.au (02) 6248 0998 |
The Coffee School | www.coffeeschool.com.au 02 9211 9779 |
The Daniels Associates of Australasia Pty Ltd | www.danielsassociates.com.au (02) 4962 4435 |
The Hills Regional Skills Centre | www.redeemer.nsw.edu.au (02) 9630 6311 |
The Illawarra Business College | www.tibc.nsw.edu.au (02) 9791 6555 |
The Illawarra ITEC Ltd | www.illawarraitec.com.au (02) 4223 3100 |
Train to Gain | www.foodsafetyeducation.com.au 0428 515 356 |
Training Course Professionals | www.tcptraining.com (02) 9232 1010 |
Training Experts Australia Pty Ltd | www.trainingexperts.com.au 1300 553 151 |
Training Online Food Safety | www.trainingonlinefs.edu.au 1300 665 633 |
University Preparation College | www.upc.edu.au 02 9791 6020 |
Vision Training Institute Pty Ltd | www.visiontraininginstitute.com.au (02) 9964 0877 |
WG Learning | www.wglearning.com.au 02 9669 4683 |
William Angliss Institute of TAFE | www.angliss.edu.au (02) 9125 5100 |
William Blue College Of Hospitality Management | www.williamblue.edu.au 1300 851 237 |
Wise Education Group Pty Ltd | www.wiseeducationgroup.edu.au 1300 771 192 |
Woolworths Limited | www.woolworths.com.au (02) 8885 0000 |
Approved providers as at 27-Aug-2015
Source: http://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/retail/fss-food-safety-supervisors/approved-providers/sydney#.VfJlkxGqpBc